NoSuchKernel Errors (using Conda)¶
Errors can appear when running papermill on jupyter notebooks whose
kernel has been specified via conda (nb_conda). nb_conda is used to easily set
conda environment per notebook from within jupyterlab.
To illustrate, the following example demonstrates the creation of a new environment with all the dependencies necessary for an analysis.
conda create -n analysis_1 python=2 ipykernel
Once nb_conda is used within the jupyter server to set the kernel for a notebook to analysis_1, the notebook gets metadata similar to the following:
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python [conda env:analysis_1]",
"language": "python",
"name": "conda-env-analysis_1-py"
Papermill cannot use this metadata to determine that it should use analysis_1 to execute this notebook. Running papermill (from analysis_1 or another environment) will raise the following error:
jupyter_client.kernelspec.NoSuchKernel: No such kernel named conda-env-analysis_1-py
This can be fixed by:
Installing jupyter (or at least ipykernel) in analysis_1
conda install -n analysis_1 jupyter
Expose the analysis_1 environment as a jupyter kernel (this is no longer automatic).
conda activate analysis_1
jupyter kernelspec install --user --name analysis_1
Run papermill (from any environment) specifying the correct kernel using the
papermill my_notebook.ipynb output_notebook.ipynb -k analysis_1