Inspect ======= The two ways to inspect the notebook to discover its parameters are: (1) through the Python API and (2) through the command line interface. Execute via the Python API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `inspect_notebook` function can be called to inspect a notebook: .. code-block:: python inspect_notebook() .. code-block:: python import papermill as pm pm.inspect_notebook('path/to/input.ipynb') .. note:: If your path is parametrized, you can pass those parameters in a dictionary as second parameter: ``inspect_notebook('path/to/input_{month}.ipynb', parameters={month='Feb'})`` Inspect via CLI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To inspect a notebook using the CLI, enter the ``papermill --help-notebook`` command in the terminal with the notebook and optionally path parameters. .. seealso:: :doc:`CLI reference <./usage-cli>` Inspect a notebook ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here's an example of a local notebook being inspected and an output example: .. code-block:: bash papermill --help-notebook ./papermill/tests/notebooks/complex_parameters.ipynb Usage: papermill [OPTIONS] NOTEBOOK_PATH [OUTPUT_PATH] Parameters inferred for notebook './papermill/tests/notebooks/complex_parameters.ipynb': msg: Unknown type (default None) a: float (default 2.25) Variable a b: List[str] (default ['Hello','World']) Nice list c: NoneType (default None)